Surviving a Long Flight


So you’re about to get on a 10+ hour flight

That sucks, but at least you’re going somewhere beautiful! The first international flight I went on was from Wisconsin to Australia - that’s 24 hours of travel including one 17 hour straight flight. I did some research beforehand on how I was supposed to survive that long of a flight and honestly I didn’t really listen to some of it (like don’t drink the free wine?) So from beating the dry air to avoiding puffing up like a balloon, below you’ll find what I do on long flights to make the time pass and to not leave the plane looking like I was living in a cave for two years.

  1. Put on a facemask - the air on the plane is dry as hell and your skin will thank you. I use this one by glow recipe. It smells like watermelons and makes my face silky

  2. Wear compression socks - we aren’t getting blood clots in 2019, especially the ladies on certain birth controls who might be at an increased risk

    • This also helps to avoid edema or the puffiness that comes along with prolonged periods of sitting

  3. Drinks TONS of water - this is good for many reasons. You stay hydrated and honestly getting up to pee that much is a great reason to move around

  4. Brush your teeth after each meal, we aren’t getting cavities people

  5. Bring earphones - one that can plug into the TV on the back of the seat and one for your phone/iPad if they are different

  6. Download those Netflix shows on your iPad or phone!

  7. You got games on your phone?

  8. If you’re feeling ambitious, read a book or two

  9. Bring a neck pillow! This is a lifesaver!

  10. Don’t bother bringing a blanket - the international flights usually provide one

  11. Earplugs and an eye mask to block out any annoyances

  12. Either pop a benadryl to make you sleepy or have a few glasses of the free wine - you’ll sleep like a baby and that’s a great way to spend your time

  13. Bring dry shampoo and face wash for when you near the end of the flight

If you can think of anything I didn’t add, I’d love to hear about it!