My Yoga Teacher Training Experience


Hi i’m kortney, and i’ll be guiding you through your yoga practice today

I have been MIA from this blog practically all summer and I know you all desperately missed me and are dying to know what I’ve been up to this whole time. The last 8 weeks of my life have been dedicated to my 200 Hour Power Yoga Teacher Training at CorePower Yoga! It has been a whirlwind of a summer and I am so grateful for all the beautiful people I have met, the self discoveries I’ve made, and how prepared I feel to start teaching yoga!

In June, after I shared on my Instagram that I was starting yoga teacher training, people began to reach out to me asking me when I would start teaching and shared an interest in attending my classes! I felt all the love and was so happy to see that so many people in my life wanted to take a yoga class taught by me! What I did not share on Instagram was that this training would take 200+ hours and a lot of effort before I could actually start teaching at a studio. However, part one of my teacher training journey is complete - I have officially spent 200 hours eating, sleeping and breathing yoga and have earned my RYT 200-hour certification through the Yoga Alliance!

Yoga teacher training was a lot more work than what I originally had anticipated. There is so much that goes into it! Teaching people how to safely and effectively move their bodies in a specific way is harder than it appears. Not only does a yoga teacher have to have their sequence memorized, they need to time out the class to exactly 60 minutes, sync with the music, cue students into the posture and cue to deepen it, give hands-on assists, and offer customizations while ensuring safety, stability and fun throughout the entire class. I have so much respect for the amazing yoga teachers I’ve encountered throughout my yoga journey, they put in so much work to make the yoga experience enjoyable!

On top of learning all the parts of a yoga class as I described above, we had lectures on various topics surrounding yoga that truly changed the way I think and go about my day. I am working on changing my narrative to be the best version of myself and I owe a lot of it to this yoga teacher training. If anyone wants to hear about chakras, the kleshas and koshas or the 8-limb path - hit me up, I can talk for hours.

So what’s next? Well, to teach at most reputable yoga studios in NYC I need 50 hours of continuing education. Ideally, I would just take another 5 week extension course at CorePower where I would be able to start teaching community classes to get some contact time with real students. However, life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to and I am unavailable during the time of this program because I’m going to Bermuda and Germany in September. Yes boohoo I know my life is so hard. So instead, I’m taking three online classes and feeling very much like I’m back in college again, only this is actually fun to learn about (no offense, nursing school). I’ll be learning about Ayurvedic Yoga, Safe Sequencing and Aromatherapy in Yoga. And before you start to wonder - no, I do not believe essential oils can cure your Lyme disease, go see a doctor.

After I finish my CEU's, I will apply and audition and hopefully get hired at a studio! I’m already getting my crystals cleansed with good energy for when that day comes. I’m kidding. Or am I?

I’ll be sure to post an update when I take the next step in my journey! Namaste