What to do During Quarantine


Social distancing isn’t so bad

First, let’s talk facts. COVID-19, or Coronavirus, is rapidly spreading throughout the world. There are thousands of new cases in the United States each day. I live in New York City and it’s not looking like it is going to get any better here anytime soon. I’m an ICU nurse, so I will be seeing the worst of it. I am in direct contact every day at work with people who are very sick because of this virus.

This is why I’m here to relay to you to STAY INSIDE and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from others. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds (turn the water off while you scrub to preserve water), cover your cough, don’t touch anyone and stop touching your face. The symptoms of COVID-19 are a dry cough, fever and difficulty breathing. If you feel ill in any way, please do your part and stay inside and away from others. It’s for the greater good of the people who do not have the beautiful, young immune system that you are blessed with.

So, now that we will be self-quarantining until a to-be-determined length of time, what will we do? There are so many wonderful options out there for you to explore. The world Your apartment is your oyster!

Here are some ideas of what to do during your time at home:

  1. The obvious answer is Netflix. But once you are done binge watching Shameless and You, look into some free trials for Amazon Prime, Cinemax, HBO, ShowTime, Starz, etc., for some great movie options. Just be sure to cancel your 7-day trial when it’s over so you don’t get charged every month.

  2. Start your at-home yoga practice! I will be hosting Instagram Live classes on my Instagram and CorePower Yoga has free Yoga On Demand classes during this time!

  3. Journal. This may sound lame to you, but I promise journaling for a few minutes will help your overall wellbeing. Getting your thoughts, feelings and frustrations out and onto paper will allow you to move on from any negative feelings and difficult emotions you may be holding onto during this frustrating time.

  4. Plan your next vacation! Even if you don’t know when that will be. Manifest your dream trip into a reality. It’s quarantine! Who says you can’t spend your time daydreaming about seeing the world.

  5. Start your succulent garden! What better time to get a beautiful little plant that you can completely ignore?

  6. Learn to cook or find a new recipe that you normally wouldn’t have the time for. Get the ingredients on your weekly grocery visit that you stay 6 feet away from everyone else in the store on and mix up something fun.

  7. Read a book. Maybe you’re an avid reader. Maybe you haven’t picked up a novel since high school. Either way, now is a great time to at least read one book. I like to use the app Libby to get books from the library downloaded directly to my iPad. It’s completely free so what are you waiting for? You can’t use the “I don’t have time” excuse so give it a try. You may discover a new favorite pastime!

  8. Get creative! Start a blog, make a video on your favorite types of pizza ranked in order, paint by number, draw with crayons, learn to crochet, write a short story! We are all creative in our own way so take this time to discover it.

  9. Get on Duolingo and let that owl annoy the hell out of you until you learn a new language! They have a 7-day trial for unlimited learning so use it! You can use your new language skills on that trip you’re planning.

  10. Learn to meditate. Find yourself in this chaos. Learn to sit still for 5 minutes and just breathe. There are so many wonderful apps out there to help guide you if you are finding it difficult to get started on.

  11. FaceTime your friends! Have virtual happy hour! Spend quality time with the people in your life. We are all in this together.

  12. Speaking of FaceTime, our beloved Netflix has launched Netflix Party! It’s a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online for free. It synchronizes the show or movie you’re watching and has group chat on the side so you can maintain the same commentary you would in person.

  13. Do your laundry, clean your apartment - catch up on chores. You always say you don’t have the time for it, so take advantage of the situation!

  14. Get outside. I know this is contradictory to my above statement to stay inside but hear me out. You will go stir crazy if you sit inside holed up all day every day. If you are 100% healthy, take time to walk outside a few times during the week. Keep your distance from others and enjoy the weather and the feeling of the outside world.

  15. Put on pants every day. Get dressed like you’re going to leave your apartment (even if you’re not). This will help you feel more like yourself and maintain some normalcy.

  16. Start a gratitude journal. No better time than the present! Write down three things you are grateful for each day to keep yourself grounded.

  17. Practice self care! Start a skincare routine and stick to it. I must recommend the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate and a good retinol serum. Our skin is the largest organ we have, so take care of it! Come out of quarantine looking like a dewy prince or princess.

  18. Order take out or delivery from your favorite restaurants so they are still there when quarantine is over! It’s up to us to keep them in business. If you’re a wizard and managing to refrain from eating constantly during this time, maybe buy a gift card from them for future use.

  19. If you’re like me and giving into the food availability - we should all start an at-home gym routine. There are some great fitness influencers out there sharing their home workouts for you to follow!

  20. Buy a board game! How fun is that!

This is just a small fraction of all the great things you can do during the quarantine. Remember to keep your thoughts positive and your hands to yourself. Once again, because I cannot stress this enough - stay inside and wash your hands!