Packing List for South America

Get Your Backpack Ready

Peru has 28 of the world's 32 climates, so throughout a trip there, travelers are bound to see a mixture of desert, mountains, jungle, and everything in between. Ecuador lies on the equator and is only categorized by dry season and rainy season.

This is what I packed in preparation for the various weather climates of South America while traveling in Peru and Ecuador. For more details on my trip to South America, read my blog post here.

Important Documents:

  • Passport

  • Travel insurance

  • Cash - Soles for Peru and USD for Ecuador

  • ID

  • COVID vaccination card to get into Ecuador (as of 9/14/21)

  • COVID test to get into Peru (as of 9/14/21)



  • Portable charger

  • Go Pro/Camera

  • Phone charger

  • Flashlight


  • Z-Pack

  • Tylenol

  • Ibuprofen

  • Tums

  • Imodium

  • Anti-allergy pills

  • Ginger chews for altitude sickness

  • Bandaids

  • Electrolyte powder - Liquid IV

  • Mosquito repellent

  • Sunscreen

  • Diamox for altitude sickness

  • Antimalarial pills if going to the Amazon

  • Hydrocortisone cream


  • Face wash

  • Shampoo

  • Conditioner

  • Dr. Bronner’s multi-use soap

  • Face moisturizer 

  • Lotion

  • Deodorant

  • Mini toothpaste/toothpaste tablets

  • Toothbrush - Quip is a great toothbrush for travel

  • Makeup remover

  • Makeup

  • Mini hairbrush

  • Hair ties

  • Travel razor

  • SPF

  • Tweezers

  • Hand sanitizer - bring around in bag

  • Pocket tissues for public toilets

  • Chapstick







  • Sports bras x3

  • Underwear x10

  • Pajama pants

  • Old t-shirt for sleeping

  • Wool socks x3

  • Regular socks x2

  • Swim suit - in case you find a hot spring in the Amazon

Read my blog post on things to know before traveling to Peru here.